Are you ready to slash your energy bills?

Solar panels in Victoria let you take back control of your energy usage

No longer will you be at the mercy of electricity companies when you produce your free energy from the sun. Tindo Solar manufactures premium solar panels in Australia, and we can help all Australian homes and businesses save money. Contact our friendly solar experts today to learn how much money you can save.

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Reliable solar energy

It’s important that your system not only produces solar energy now, but long into the future. Our systems are designed with longevity in mind, ensuring your home will produce clean, consistent, reliable solar energy for the long hall. Built with Australian conditions in mind and tested at the Desert Knowledge Centre in Alice Springs, you can be confident knowing that your Tindo panels will meet the highest durability standards for their entire life.

Furthermore, if you talk to us about solar batteries in Victoria, we can give you more energy independence with blackout protection. If a power outage occurs while your system produces solar energy during the day, you’re in the clear. Your system will keep producing because, even though you’re connected to the main grid, you’ve got solar energy as your first option

With solar battery solutions, you can ensure you’ve always got a reliable backup, and you can say goodbye to annoying power failures for good.

Ask us about Government solar rebates

Did you know there are government rebates and incentives to switch to solar? If you want clean, free energy from the sun but are worried about the upfront cost, help is available.

The federal government offers a renewable energy scheme that makes solar energy more affordable for Australian homes and businesses. You’ll also find some state-based incentives, especially for solar in Victoria.

As solar experts, we keep up to date with the latest incentives and can even help you access them. Before worrying too much about the solar energy installation cost, ask us about the incentives available, and we’ll be happy to help.

More savings with a solar feed-in tariff

Using solar batteries is one way to enjoy more energy savings. But did you know that you can sell excess solar back to your electricity retailer?

In a standard on-grid solar installation (with no batteries), your solar panels generate energy when the sun shines. The energy must be converted and used immediately. When it’s cloudy or in the evenings, your panels don’t produce solar power, so you draw energy from the primary grid (and pay for it through your electricity retailer).

Most retailers offer a feed-in tariff that gives you a small credit on your account for exporting solar energy. So, if your panels produce more than you need during the day, you can reduce your energy bills by sending power back to the grid.

Clean Energy Council-approved installation

If you want to install solar panels in Victoria, using professionals endorsed by the Clean Energy Council is crucial. CEC-approved installers ensure that your system is set up for optimal results. Positioning your panels to face the right way and tilt at the right angle makes a lot of difference, so it’s essential to get it right.

We use Clean Energy Council-approved installers for all of Victoria’s residential and commercial solar installations. Don’t risk your family’s safety by using unlicensed solar technicians. These can void warranties and even impact future insurance claims if there’s ever a problem.

Do your bit for the environment

Saving money with solar energy is great but also good for the environment. You reduce your reliance on the main electricity grid by harnessing free solar energy from the sun. Much of Australia’s grid power comes from non-renewable sources, such as coal-burning plants. So, by switching to solar energy, you’re saying no to fossil fuels and supporting a brighter future.

Often, making an environmentally friendly choice means spending more money. That’s what’s so great about solar—it’s free. The savings you make over the first 4-5 years of using solar energy generally cover the upfront cost. Plus, if you’re a business with mandatory emissions reduction requirements, a switch to solar helps you meet your targets.

Looking for a trusted
solar company?

Don’t look any further if you’re ready to switch to solar energy. By working with Tindo for your solar energy needs, you save money, do your part for the environment, and support Australian-made products.

With the highest quality-control processes, you can rest easy knowing that your Tindo Solar panels in Victoria are built to last. Let the friendly team at Tindo show you how to slash energy bills and join Australia’s clean, green revolution today.

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